NASA Satellite Infographic
The big challenge with this was to fit an enormous amount of information onto a relatively short width. The trick was to use the more flexible height to fit all the information, however this could end up poorly if it goes on too long. Finding that balance was the key to effectively solving this problem. I chose to use NASA space satellites as my source of information, and I drew all of it in Illustrator, and set up the layout and type in illustrator.
Gradients & Illustration
I learned a lot about how to make gradients work for me, rather than against me with this project. Thinking about lighting, shadows, and perspective allowed me to make a better looking planet than if I had just used shape building tools to make an accurate looking 2D vector image. With gradients I was able to imitate 3D while sticking to the easier 2D modelling style and it created an interesting look for some of the planets. I also challenged myself to draw a lot more than I like to, and I was happy with how some of the satellites turned out.