Design Work
Check out some of my favorite jobs, side projects, and school projects from my time at TMCC!
Lemon Tang Broadside Poster
This poster was made to practice the old school style of poster design, when type foundries were first beginning and print shops wanted to show off their type sets. This replicates that with many different fonts, and lots of CTAs all over the page.
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Satellite Infographic
This project challenged me to work with a lot of information, and present it in a way that is appealing to potential viewers. The idea was to convey as much information as possible through the visual medium.
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State Park Logo Redesign
The goal of this project was to re-brand a few state parks with more modern logos, and to design a poster advertising one of the parks in the 1920s travel poster style. It was important that each of the state park logos stand on their own, but look like a set at the same time.
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Snowboard Concept
How do I design for nonstandard layouts? Projects like this help me to test that question for myself. I used a theme from a favorite videogame of mine called "Destiny 2" and I did my best to make the theme subtle enough so that if you are not a fan, you can still appreciate the design, but if you are a fan, there's lots of little references.
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Celebrity Typeface
This project required me to pick a celebrity and design for them, around their aesthetic choices, fashion, passion, or any number of themes. I chose George RR Martin because his ability to create a story is legendary, and I love everything he's come up with.
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Indian Motorcyle Ads
The goal of this project was to design advertising for a car company, creating a mockup of one of their vehicles using Illustrator. I chose Indian Motorcycles because I love the movie "The World's Fastest Indian", so I chose to make a campaign using that concept as an ad.
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TMCC Geology Posters
The expressive and minimalist poster project is really cool because it forces you to think in two completely different design spaces. One is all about maximizing a small amount of content, and the other is all about chaotic energy and lots of content fitting together well. I did a poster duo on the Geology Department at TMCC.
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Save The Whales
This ADDY award winning project was a test of packaging, and layout. How do you fit the information required in a way that is pleasant? I ultimately came to the conclusion that my artwork needed to be designed with the content in mind, so I purposefully left the middle blank so that there would be some breathing room between the content in the middle, and the art on the top and bottom.
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Robbie's Spare Rations
This packaging project is the most difficult and complex box I've had to design. The amount of content, combined with the fact that it all had to be created by me, led to a big crunch for time getting everything done. I feel I did a good job laying out the package in a way that makes sense and has good margins.
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Sherlock Typeface
This project had me create a typeface and turn it into a font file, then use that file to make a movie poster. I chose to make a poster and the font stylized around the 2008 Sherlock Holmes movie, because I've always loved the design work done for that movie, the posters, the ads, the style, it was perfect for the actors they had and the setting.
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